Nov 15, 2023
Auto generation
Dormant whale sold YFI
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Total tokens transferred


Dormant whale 0xf44 swapped 60 YFI ($667K) to 331 ETH at an average price of $11,112:
Overall, the whale:
- bought 1,427 YFI from Uniswap and 1inch at an average price of $32,544 (cost: $46.4M) between July 25, 2020, and June 28, 2021, mostly during the bull market
- received 15.9 YFI ($40.6K) as rewards from Yearn Finance on July 24 and 25, 2020
- has sold 1,166 YFI via DEX at an average price of $30,651 ($35.7M) so far
- had yet to trade YFI since June 28, 2021, until just now (2.5 years of dormancy)
Currently, whale 0xf44 still holds 272.86 YFI ($3.11M). At the recent price of $11,112, the whale suffers an estimated total loss of $7.5M (-16.2%) from the token.
The YFI pumped 12.30% in the past 24 hours.
Fig 1. Whale 0xf44 sold 60 YFI ($667K) for 331 ETH just now.
Fig 2. Whale 0f44's overall YFI trading history.