Sep 03, 2024

SOC Team
Penpie got hacked for $27.8M!
Related addresses
Total tokens transferred

Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Penpie (@Penpiexyz_io) just got hacked for $27.8M due to a security vulnerability, mostly in liquid-restaking-token (LRT) assets, including:
- 4,101 agETH ($10.27M)
- 2,723 wstETH ($7.87M)
- 2,695 rswETH ($6.76M)
- 2.52M sUSDe ($2.87M)
- transaction: 0x56e09abb35ff12271fdb38ff8a23e4d4a7396844426a94c4d3af2e8b7a0a2813
- address 1: 0x2f2dde668e5426463e05d795f5297db334f61c39
- address 2: 0x7a2f4d625fb21f5e51562ce8dc2e722e12a61d1b
- These addresses belong to the entity Penpie Hacker
So far, the hacker has swapped most of the stolen assets for 11,109 ETH ($26.95M) and then sent 1,000 ETH ($2.42M) to Tornado Cash to launder the money.
Currently, the hacker holds 10,114 ETH ($23.7M) in the address “0x2f2” and another $844K worth of Pendle Finance's yield-tokens in the address "0x7a2”.
Fig 1. The latest ETH transactions and current holding of the entity Penpie Hacker.