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Token UNI

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Uniswap-related wallet moved the last 699,990 UNI ($4.72M) to Coinbase


Total tokens transferred

Token UNI



Uniswap Team's Team/Investor/Advisor wallet 0x63b just deposited the remaining 699,990 UNI ($4.72M) to Coinbase:


Overall, the wallet received 9M UNI from Uniswap on September 17, 2020, when the price was $3.44 ($30.96M). All tokens were moved to Coinbase between July 4 and September 13, 2024, at an average price of $7.86 ($70.72M). During the peak deposit period and big market crash (July 4 to August 6), the UNI price dropped 44.4%, from $8.546 to as low as $4.748.


Note that among the current top 20 UNI-holding wallets, 10 wallets, which received tokens from the Uniswap team and have been inactive for at least 7 months, similar to "0x63b.", still hold 99.63M UNI ($674M). Keep an eye on these addresses for potential token unloading if you're following UNI.


Fig 1. The 4 latest UNI transactions by the Uniswap Team's Team/Investor/Advisor wallet 0x63b.


Fig 2. Uniswap Team's Team/Investor/Advisor wallet 0x63b deposited all 9M ($70.7M) to Coinbase in the past 2 months.


Fig 3. The list of all Uniswap team-related wallets in the top 20 UNI holders (links).
