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Token IMX

Mar 07, 2024

Auto generation

Wallet took profits from IMX


Total tokens transferred

Token IMX



Wallet 0xa03 just deposited 300,000 IMX ($981K) to Binance at $3.27:


Overall, the wallet is gaining an estimated total profit of $751K from IMX:

  • withdrew 869,830 IMX from Binance at $2.404 ($2.09M) on December 24, 2023;
  • deposited 300,000 IMX ($981K) to Binance at $3.27 recently, realizing $260K (+36%) in profit;
  • still holds 569,830 IMX ($1.86M), with another $491K in unrealized profit.


Notably, wallet 0xa03 above deposited IMX to Binance via the same Binance deposit address with wallet 0x715. Wallet 0x715, in return, just realized an estimated profit of $811K (+55.5%) from IMX 2 days ago. These two wallets likely belong to the same person.


Fig 1. Two wallets 0xa03 and 0x715's overall IMX trading history.

#imx.immutable x