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Token SAND

Aug 15, 01:36

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SOC Team

11 addresses vested $SAND as part of the token unlock

Total tokens transferred

Token SAND




34.28M $SAND ($13.5M) was distributed to 11 addresses as part of the 332.55M $SAND token unlock between 13 and 11 hours ago:


Highlighted recipient's actions include:

  • 5.77M $SAND ($2.81M) was deposited to Binance and Kraken by 4 addresses
  • 1.38M $SAND was sold on Uniswap for 522K $USDC by address 0x7d00bb38367c751b5100dd93a464fc686d7766a4 at $0.378 on average
  • check out this Google spreadsheet here for more details


Notably, The Sandbox has distributed and transferred around 120M $SAND ($47.6M) via address 0x73b over the past 4 days, of which 85.5M $SAND was transferred to CEX on August 10 and 11.

  • check out the previous signal here

Fig 1. 34.28M $SAND ($13.5M) was distributed to 11 addresses between 13 and 11 hours ago.


Fig 2. Five addresses have taken the next steps with their vested $SAND.

#token unlock