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Token WLD

Aug 27, 22:55

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Alameda Research further transferred 143,770 WLD ($217K) to Binance


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Token WLD



Alameda Research just deposited another 143,770 WLD ($217K) to Binance:


Since August 9, 2024, Alameda Research has deposited 698,312 WLD ($1.13M) in 4 small batches to Binance at an average price of $1.622, likely to repay creditors.


Currently, their top 2 holdings are 98.86M BIT ($78.8M) and 24.3M WLD ($36.2M). While WLD unloading has begun, BIT (now MNT) sales may start in November, after the 3-year mutual no-sale public commitment with BitDAO comes to an end (more details).


Fig 1. Alameda Research has deposited 698,312 WLD ($1.13M) to Binance since August 9, 2024.


Fig 2. The current top 5 holdings of Alameda Research.


Fig 3. Alameda Research and BitDAO have a 3-year mutual no-sale public commitment that ends in November 2024.

#alameda research