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Dormant whale deposited 300 BTC ($25.1M) to FalconX after 1.5 years


Total tokens transferred

Token BTC



Whale 33PXW just deposited the first 300 BTC ($25.1M) to FalconX after being dormant for 1.5 years:


On August 18, 2023, the whale accumulated 1,500 BTC from Cumberland, at an average price of only $26,353 (estimated cost: $39.53M).


Now, after 1.5 years, the whale:


The whale's estimated total profit from BTC currently stands at $85.7M (+219%).


Fig 1. The BTC activities of Whale 33PXW throughout the years.


Fig 2. The BTC price chart of Whale 33PXW's BTC withdrawals and deposits.
