Sep 27, 2024
Auto generation
Fresh wallet further withdrew 269M REEF ($1.49M) from Gate.io from Gate.io
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Fresh wallet 0x963 just further withdrew 269M REEF ($1.49M) from Gate.io:
- transaction: 0x8b842967c3cca2ad1a28b4ed1988591c0635b26b547de8808587266fe504632d
- address: 0x963f641f5d9d44cfba220b6e48ea9eb7120d50fb
In total, the wallet has withdrawn 510.2M REEF via 3 transactions from Gate.io at an average price of (estimated cost: $2.39M, now worth: $2.83M) in the past 9 days. Among these tokens, 369.17M REEF ($1.96M) was accumulated in the past 14 hours.
The REEF price pumped 19.35% in the past 24 hours.
Fig 1. Fresh wallet 0x963 withdrew 510.2M REEF ($2.39M) from Gate.io in the past 9 days.
Fig 2. The current REEF holding of the fresh wallet 0x963.