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Token SOL

Jan 13, 21:57

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SOC Team

FTX unstaked and transferred out 182,422 SOL ($33.18M)


Total tokens transferred

Token SOL



FTX just unstaked and sent 182,422 SOL ($33.18M) to 20 wallet addresses, likely for upcoming deposits to Coinbase and Binance:


Overall, since November 2023, FTX has unstaked and offloaded a total of 4.445M SOL ($517M) to Coinbase and Binance at an average price of $116.2 using the above method.


Currently, FTX still has 6.47M SOL ($1.18B) staked at the above address. With the current offloading frequency of around 170K SOL per month, it would take FTX over 3 years to fully liquidate these remaining tokens.


Fig 1. The latest 2 SOL unstaking events by FTX.
