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Multisign 0xe4d (likely GSR Markets) just moved 8.163M XAI ($2.87M) from 2 middle wallets to Binance via the GSR Markets' Binance deposit address:


Notably, the multisign 0e4d:

  • received a total of 37.34M XAI from the XAI's Multisig 0x02c on January 8, 2024, when the price was $0.606 ($22.62M);
  • has so far deposited 11.4M XAI to Binance and Bybit at a lower average price of $0.355 ($4.04M) in the past 2 days;
  • currently spreads the remaining 25.95M XAI ($9.22M) across 5 wallets (circled red in the figure below).


Fig 1. Multisign 0xe4d (likely GSR Markets) deposited 11.4M XAI ($4.04M) to Binance in the past 2 days.


Fig 2. The XAI fund movements by Multisign 0xe4d (likely GSR Markets).

#gsr markets