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Token ETH

3 days

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Institution bought another 9,072 ETH ($30.8M) via HTX


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Token ETH



Three more wallets, 0x04a, 0x5c6, and 0x8f6 (one institution) withdrew another 9,072 ETH ($30.8M) at an average price of $3,395 in the past 11 hours:


Overall, in the past 33 hours, 10 wallets (one entity) have deposited 59.9M USDT to HTX and then withdrew back 18,089 ETH at an average price of $3,310, suggesting an institution is accumulating ETH. These wallets withdrew the USDT from HTX on November 20, 2024, holding it for 2 months before making the purchases (more details here).


Fig 1. An institution has accumulated 18,089 ETH ($59.9M) over the past 33 hours.