5 days
Auto generation
Michael Egorov likely further sold 997K CRV ($558K)
Total tokens transferred


Wallet 0x5a8 (likely Michael Egorov, the founder of Curve Finance) just sold the remaining 996,533 CRV for 558,471 USDC at an average price of $0.56:
- address: 0x5a819c63189962d9111c89d87eb9bb7e2ec30f47
- This address may belong to the entity Michael Egorov (Curve founder).
- The wallet has sold all 1.997M CRV received from Michael Egorov's wallet 0x7a1 a day ago for 1.074M USDC at an average price of $0.538 over the past 7 hours.
- Michael Egorov might have sold a total of 2.465M CRV for 753,229 USDC at an average price of $0.532 via 2 wallets, 0x7a1 and 0x5a8, over the past 2 days (more details here).
Fig 1. Wallet 0x5a8 sold all 1.997M CRV received from Michael Egorov for $1.07M in the past 7 hours.