21 hours

SOC Team
Mt. Gox moved 11,501.4 BTC ($1B)
Related addresses
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Related transactions
Mt. Gox just moved another 11,501.4 BTC ($1B), of which 10,608 BTC ($929.7M) went to a new wallet and 893.4 BTC ($78.3M) went to a warm wallet:
- transaction: abac7634f3ae3848d0cd7e120f734cab7473b9c6747687e301a7b21de15fc625
- old address: 1Pazvajmt8HaBrrRdPhyw4x53Y4xmR9pYj
- new address: 1DcoAJJmCexsYCF8h9qBzduNDo2cXAWXFe
- warm wallet: 1JbezDVd9VsK9o1Ga9UqLydeuEvhKLAPs6
- These addresses (likely) belong to the entity Mt. Gox.
Notably, after Mt. Gox’s previous transfer (more details here), 332 BTC ($25.5M) was deposited into Bitstamp. It is likely the 893.4 BTC sent to the warm wallet will be moved out shortly too!
Fig 1. Mt. Gox moved 11,501.4 BTC ($1B) just now.