8 hours
Auto generation
OKX (formerly OKEx) sent $1.32B worth of OKB to burn address
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Total tokens transferred

The OKX (formerly OKEx)'s OKB Buy-Back and Burn wallet received 31.159M OKB ($1.32B) from OKX in the past 20 minutes:
This marked the 27th buyback-and-burn event by OKX (more details here).
Since May 10, 2019, OKX has sent 171.31M OKB (then $6.33B, now $7.3B) to its Buy-Back and Burn wallet.
Fig 1. The OKB-buy-back-and-burn history.
Fig 2. The current OKB holdings of the OKX's OKB Buy-Back and Burn wallet.