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Patricio Worthalter moved 1,000 ETH to Gemini right before an abrupt price drop


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Token ETH



Patricio Worthalter just deposited 1,000 ETH ($3.45M) to Gemini:


Notably, this is the first significant ETH transaction by the founder of POAP, Proof of Attendance Protocol, since February 28, 2024 (4 months ago).


Currently, Patricio Worthalter still holds 43,205 ETH ($149.29M).


The ETH price suddenly dropped sharply after Patricio Worthalter's outward transfer.


Fig 1. Patricio Worthalter deposited 1,000 ETH ($3.45M) to Gemini before the price dropped just now.


Fig 2. Patricio Worthalter's current ETH holding.

#patricio worthalter
#proof of attendance protocol
#price drop