Sep 27, 2023

SOC Team
Smart whale took profit from $MKR as price surged
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Whale 0x475 deposited 3,527 $MKR to Binance at $1,513 ($5.34M) on September 27, 23:15 PM (UTC) just now:
- $MKR has pumped to a new high of $1,527 over the past 24 hours
- current holding: 10,000 $MKR ($15M)
Notably, whale 0x475 currently has an estimated total profit of $5.11M from $MKR:
- accumulated a total of 13,446 $MKR from Binance at $1,124 on average ($15.11M) on September 4 (previous signal here)
- started to take a profit from $MKR just now by depositing 3,527 $MKR to Binance at $1,513 ($5.34M). Estimated realized profit: $1.38M (+34.7%)
- still holds 10,000 $MKR ($15M). Estimated unrealized profit: $3.73M
Furthermore, besides $MKR, whale 0x475 also currently has gains from $UNFI, $LPT, and $TRB (total: $2.3M):
- $1.96M in total estimated profit from $UNFI (still holds 750K $UNFI, worth $5.36M)
- $337K in realized profit from $LPT (currently holds no $LPT)
- $53K in realized profit from $TRB (currently holds no $TRB)
Fig 1. Whale 0x475's overall $MKR trading history.
Fig 2. Whale 0x475 has an estimated total profit of $1.96M from $UNFI.
Fig 3. Whale 0x475 has an estimated realized profit of $337K from $LPT.
Fig 4. Whale 0x475 has an estimated realized profit of $53K from $TRB.