1 day
Auto generation
Super whale further bought 217,348 EIGEN ($612K)
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Total tokens transferred
Smart trader 0x373 further bought 217,348 EIGEN using 181.3 ETH ($612K) at an average price of $2.816 in the past 11 hours:
In total, the whale has spent 1,329.8 (W)ETH ($4.312M) to buy 1.608M EIGEN at an average price of $2.682 over the past 5 days, now having an unrealized profit of $511K (+11.9%).
Notably, this is the super smart whale with a $68M+ profit from PEPE.
The EIGEN price pumped 15.63% in the past 24 hours.
Fig 1. The 4 latest EIGEN transactions of the smart trader 0x373.
Fig 2. Smart trader 0x373 bought 1.608M EIGEN ($4.31M) over the past 5 days.
Fig 3. The current top 5 holdings of the mart trader 0x373.