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Trader 0x448 sold all 213,695 LBR ($201K) for 86.454 ETH at an average price of $0.939 in the past 6 minutes via 4 transactions:


Notably, the trader spent 125 ETH to buy 213,695 LBR tokens on November 19, 2023, and December 27, 2023, with an average price of $1.215. The sales just now would yield the trader a loss of 38.5 ETH (now $85.3K) (ROI: -28.2%) after 2 months.


The price of LBR plummeted by 12% (24H), mostly due to the overall market crash. This might have prompted the trader to sell all LRB to stop loss.


Currently, the trader no longer holds any LBR.


Fig 1. Historical LBR transactions of trader 0x448.

#sell signal