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Token BTC

11 hours

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Wallet deposited 500 BTC ($47.1M) to Coinbase Prime after 6 years of dormancy


Total tokens transferred

Token BTC



Wallet 1KP7X just woke up after over 6 years of dormancy and deposited 500 BTC ($47.1M) to Coinbase Prime at $94,202:


Notably, 6.33 years ago, on August 30, 2018, when the BTC price was just $7,024, this wallet received 500 BTC (valued at $3.51M) from five other wallets. These five wallets, in turn, received the BTC tokens on March 15, 2014, suggesting that the tokens may be at least 11 years old.


Fig 1. The BTC token inflow and outflow of Wallet 1KP7X.

#coinbase prime