6 days
Auto generation
Wallet further withdrew 10M OM ($68.1M) from Binance
Related addresses
Total tokens transferred

Wallet 0x7a5 just further withdrew 10M OM ($68.1M) from Binance:
- transaction 1: 0x6e80549a15e00b419143d5b5a24cb16657431ab593cb9be0e4e8ff0a457b6a76
- transaction 2: 0x4420a9960f8ea3d8171a2a22f2fa54ad30411a6ed320038993d77d95c28f2805
- address: 0x7a5f66ff026c3c712efe934e1a16157a9fa27a3f
Notably, over the past 3 days, this wallet has accumulated a total of 20M OM from Binance at an average price of $7.15 (estimated cost: $143M, now worth: $138.6M) via direct withdrawals and wallet 0x5909842f61C263Fa80b1d02F3c8eA80b2e1C4623.
The OM price dropped 3.84% in the past hour.
Fig 1. Wallet 0x7a5 accumulated 20M OM ($143M) from Binance over the past 3 days.
Fig 2. The current holdings of the wallet 0x7a5.