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Wallet linked to Ethereum ICO deposited 6,093 ETH ($16.2M) to Kraken


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Token ETH



Wallet 0xdb3 (linked to Ethereum ICO participant 0xab0) just deposited 6,093 ETH ($16.2M) to Kraken:


Overall, over the past 5 years, the wallet 0xdb3 has deposited 175,851 ETH ($268M) to Kraken at an average price of $1,523. Notably, most of this wallet's ETH tokens came from Ethereum ICO participant 0xab0, who received 200,000 ETH (then: $62K) at the Genesis block in 2015, via the intermediate wallet 0xa0e.


Currently, there remains 26,723 ETH ($71.02M) in the intermediate wallet 0xa0e. These ETH tokens may be transferred to wallet 0xdb3 for future CEX deposits.


Fig 1. The ETH token flows from Ethereum ICO participant 0xab0 to the recent wallet 0xdb3.


Fig 2. Wallet 0xdb3 has deposited 175,851 ETH ($268M) to Kraken over the past 5 years.


Fig 3. The 4 recent ETH deposits to Kraken by Wallet 0xdb3 (linked to Ethereum ICO participant 0xab0).
