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Token MKR

Oct 01, 15:00

Auto generation

Whale bought $1.52M worth of MKR for the first time


Total tokens transferred

Token USDC



Token MKR



Whale 0xd1a spent 1.519M USDC to buy 973.839 MKR at $1,560 on average in the past hour:


Notably, this is the first time the whale has ever bought MKR.


Besides the newly bought MKR, the whale currently holds 30.713 WBTC ($1.92M). The whale bought those WBTC tokens at an average price of only $27,748 (estimated cost: $852K) between May 30 and June 3, 2023, now having an unrealized profit of $1.07M (+126%).


Fig 1. Whale 0xd1a bought the first 973.839 MKR ($1.52M) in the past hour.

#first time