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Token BERA
Token HYPE

5 days

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Whale bridged 5.53M USDC into Hyperliquid to buy HYPE and short BERA

Total tokens transferred

Token HYPE



Token BERA



Token USDC



Whale 0xC2C deposited 5.53M USDC into Hyperliquid to buy HYPE and short BERA in the past 21 hours, including:

  • spent 5.171M USDC to buy 353,845 HYPE at an average price of $14.61;
  • used 359.2K USDC as margin to short 184,707 BERA with 5x leverage and an entry price of $7.62.
  • address: 0xC2Cb60662017A1da2562e9cCCeA9DF74d9D8eDf9


Currently, the whale holds a total of 564,366 HYPE (now worth $7.98M) bought at an average price of $14.35 (total cost: $8.1M) over the past 12 days, now slightly losing $120K (-1.48%).


Fig 1. Whale 0xC2C's total USDC deposited into Hyperliquid.


Fig 2. Whale 0xC2C's current spot and perpetual holdings.
