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Token WBTC

Jul 19, 14:55

Auto generation

Whale continues to earn $290K (+7.71%) from the 6th WBTC trade


Total tokens transferred

Token WBTC



Token USDT



Whale 0xb8a just sold all 61.96 WBTC for 4.05M USDT at $65,328 on average:


Notably, this marks the end of the whale's 6th WBTC trade. The whale bought those WBTC tokens using 3.758M USDT at an average price of $60,650 between June 29 and July 4, 2024; hence, the realized profit from this trade is $290K (+7.71%).


Among the 5 previous WBTC trades, the whale lost very little in the first trade and then won in the next 4. Overall, the whale's cumulative profit from WBTC is $5178K (+4.76%) and the win rate is 83.3%. Note that the whale did not hold WBTC for long.


Fig 1. Whale 0xb8a's overall WBTC trading history.

#smart trader