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Token LINK

Dec 13, 2023

Auto generation

Whale dumped LINK despite loss


Total tokens transferred

Token LINK



Whale 0x78e (cygninae.eth) swapped 7,206 LINK ($103K) to 40.96 WSTETH at $14.31 just now via address 0x453:


In total, the whale has dumped all 237,062 LINK ($3.37M) for WSTETH in the past 4 hours. Notably, the whale bought those tokens at an average price of $14.45 ($4.56M) between October 31 and December 2, 2023. After the sales, the whale realized a loss of $179K (-4.41%) from LINK.


Previously, whale 0x78e realized a slight loss of $8,080 (-1.62%) from the first LINK trade but gained $203K (+14.8%) from BLUR.

  • checkk out the whale's BLUR visualizer here


Currently, the whale no longer holds LINK or BLUR.


Fig 1. Whale 0x78e's overall LINK trading history.


Fig 2. Whale 0x78e's overall BLUR trading history.
