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Whale 0x803 just further sold 329,331 ONDO for 523,497 USDT at an average price of $1.59:


Overall, the whale has sold 809,331 ONDO for 1.283M USDT at an average price of $1.586 in the past 13 hours.


Currently, the whale still holds 1.55M ONDO ($2.47M) and an estimated total profit of $775.6K (+5.97%) from this token:

  • bought 13.619M ONDO using $13M worth of ETH and stablecoins at an average price of $0.955 between May 16 and October 29, 2024;
  • has so far sold 12.069M ONDO for $11.28M worth of ETH and stablecoins at an average price of $0.935 between May 18 and December 22.


Fig 1. The overall ONDO trading history of Whale 0x803.
