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Token BTC

Sep 06, 08:19

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Whale further withdrew 236.129 BTC ($13.18M) from Binance


Total tokens transferred

Token BTC



Whale bc1qg just withdrew another 236.129 BTC ($13.18M) from Binance at $55,806:


In total, the whale has withdrawn 1,381 BTC via 8 transactions from Binance at $56,664 on average (estimated cost: $78.25M) in the past 4 days. Among these tokens, 478.339 BTC was accumulated at an average price of $56,130 ($26.85M) in the past 15 hours.


Fig 1. The 4 latest BTC transactions by Whale bc1qg.


Fig 2. Whale bc1qg's overall BTC accumulating history.


Fig 3. The current BTC holding of Whale bc1qg.
