Sep 28, 2023

SOC Team
Whale returns to accumulating $ETH as price bounced back
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Total tokens transferred


Whale 0x828 is back to accumulating $ETH by swapping 9.88M $USDC for 6,000 $ETH at $1,646 on average between September 28, 10:19 AM and 16:13 PM (UTC):
- $ETH price is bouncing back from $1,589 up to $1,663 (+4.7%)
- current holding: 8,000 $ETH ($13.2M)
Notably, whale 0x828:
- used to earn a total of $14.53M from the first two $ETH trades and $MKR
- however, has not been performing well since the start of his third and recent $ETH trading cycle on June 22, 2023, and is currently at a total loss of $6.79M from the ongoing trade
- overall, has an estimated net profit of $7.74M from $ETH and $MKR
Fig 1. Whale 0x828 further bought 6K $ETH at $1,646 on average as the price bounced back.
Fig 2. Whale 0x828 is currently at a total loss of $6.79M from his third and most recent $ETH trading cycle.
Fig 3. Whale 0x828, however, used to earn from the first two $ETH trades.
Fig 4. Whale 0x828 also used to make $357K from $MKR.