3 days
Auto generation
Whale with loss further bought $918K worth of ENA
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Whale 0x73d further spent 918,123 USDC to buy 2.498M ENA at an average price of $0.366 in the past 2 hours:
Notably, the whale is on its second ENA trade, which started on January 3, 2025. Currently, the whale holds 6.62M ENA ($2.4M) with an estimated total loss of $1.85M (-34.7%) from this trade.
Previously, the whale lost $243K (-18.3%) by trading 1.5M ENA in the first trade between April 5 and May 14, 2024.
The ENA price dropped 21.35% in the past 24 hours.
Fig 1. The overall ENA trading history of Whale 0x73d.
Fig 2. The current top 5 holding of Whale 0x73d.