Jan 21, 10:52

SOC Team
Wintermute received 7.6M ARB ($5.6M) from Anchorage Digital 18 hours ago
Related addresses
Total tokens transferred

Wintermute Trading received 7.6M ARB ($5.6M) from Anchorage Digital 18 hours ago through the intermediary address 0xdb9.
- intermediary address: 0xdb9951f0BE071A4Fc92aAa586c699C41d8f5571e
- transaction 1: 0x188c1d5aa72df911882a39f3b718cf5f3151e5e8f122ca0fbd71ae67214af462
- transaction 2: 0xb338f083984e272d0fd20508b27f2d95a163b95258149f6c04db6c8021deb71d
Within two weeks, Wintermute has received a total of approximately 31M ARB from Anchorage Digital.
Notably, the source of the Arbitrum tokens transferred via Anchorage Digital can be traced to two primary wallets: 0x8Ba and 0x119. Both wallets are associated with vesting contracts for Arbitrum investors. It can be inferred that Wintermute's receipt of ARB from Anchorage Digital represents OTC sales by Arbitrum investors.
- 0x8Ba131B2a1533a7f24FBb58BF1Bbde6321c40A72, current holding of 24.59M ARB ($17.3M)
- 0x1190CEA3e2c8727218768bFb990C3228aA06dfA9, current holding of 113.48M ARB ($80M)

Fig 1. Wintermute received 31M ARB from Anchorage Digital via intermediary address 0xdb9.

Fig 2. The total ARB deposits to Anchorage Digital from investor 0x119.
Fig 3. The total ARB deposits to Anchorage Digital from investor 0x8Ba.