1 day
Auto generation
World Liberty Financial further bought 541,242 SEI ($100K)
Related addresses
Total tokens transferred


World Liberty Financial just spent another 100,000 USDC to buy 541,242 SEI at $0.185:
- purchase transaction: 0x3e27e4419d6a35ea31957cee2485cb8a490b72f12e9c8b6b5905a0b4b1770084
- internal transaction: 0xa2885c98ad28383f76cdca6e42435e5c93b5e13636685a32476b104018600abb
- buying address: 0xa713fc94db054aa435af4d9c66c3433dca98559f
- storing address: 0x5be9a4959308a0d0c7bc0870e319314d8d957dbb
- These addresses belong to the entity World Liberty Financial.
Currently, the project holds 1.089M SEI (cost: $225K, now worth: $207K).
Overall, since the market dip in late February, World Liberty Financial has spent $21.6M to buy ETH, WBTC, MOVE, and SEI (more details here).
Fig 1. Since the market dip in late February, World Liberty Financial has spent $21.6M on ETH, WBTC, MOVE, and SEI.
Fig 2. World Liberty Financial's overall SEI purchasing history.