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Whale 0x755 spent 905,242 USDC to buy 3,530 AAVE at an average price of $256.46 in the past 2 hours:


Currently, the whale holds 6,530 AAVE ($1.65M) with an estimated total profit of $526K (+8.77%) from the token:

  • bought 22,953 AAVE via CoW Swap at an average price of 260.76 (estimated cost: $5.99M) between November 7, 2024, and February 17, 2025;
  • has so far sold 16,424 AAVE via CoW Swap at an average price of $293.43 ($4.82M) between November 20, 2024, and February 16, 2025.


Fig 1. The last 4 AAVE transactions by Whale 0x755.


Fig 2. Whale 0x755's overall AAVE trading history.


Fig 3. The current holdings of Whale 0x755.
