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Token OP

May 31, 05:52

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Suspicious address moved millions of $OP amid massive token unlock

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Token OP



Over the past hour, an unlabeled wallet 0xa202 dispersed 21.49M $OP ($31.83M) to 21 addresses, among which:

  • Wintermute Trading received the most at 5.46M $OP ($8.03M).
  • Coinbase received a total of 3.76M $OP ($5.56M).

Previously, a wallet 0xa202,

  • received its 21.49M $OP ($32.19M) from 23 addresses over the past 8 days.
  • In the past 24 hours alone, it received 12.78M $OP ($17.14M) in total.
  • Notably, 22 out of those 23 addresses received their $OP from a wallet 0x1ea "OP Labs" back in early April 2022.


Meanwhile, 6 fresh addresses jointly received 4.25M $OP ($6.21M) from #Coinbase, ~708.5K $OP ($1.03M) each.


CAUTION: It's not sure if this is part of the token unlock or an investor actually clearing out his $OP. But with 386.5M $OP ($587.5M) expected to be unlocked today, traders may want to watch out!


Address: 0xa202151cdadb6f74252dc5c8c70ecc23db603ce6

Fig1: Wallet 0xa202 dispersed 21.49M $OP ($31.83M) to 21 addresses


Fig2: 6 fresh addresses jointly received 4.25M $OP ($6.21M) from #Coinbase


